Monday, 10 November 2014

Lessons from neighbor : Drip Irrigation System

I feel curios with the water management in Adelaide. It is reported that the mean of rainfall in Adelaide is 542.0 mili meter per-year (Bureau of Meteorology, 2015).  Although the climate in Adelaide is semi-arid, the plants grow well. This phenomena encourages me to find out the answer.

In my observation, many of trees in the city park are surrounded by pipe networks. As you can see in the picture, the purple pipes carry water and the pipes distribute the  water to the plants.  It seems as a simple technology, but it has a wide impact. The plants get a sustainable water supply, so the plants can grow. The pipe networks are called drip irrigation system. The system delivers water by using the pipe networks around plants(Wikipedia, 2015). Thus, the drip irrigation system ensures the plants to get water supply.

In my view, technology is developed to support human in their daily life. Although the modern technology of farming has developed rapidly, the simply technology is still applicable to overcome a scarcity of water in the driest area. In fact, the drip irrigation system is effectively distribute water to the tress. Perhaps, these trees will become bigger and create a new ecosystem in the park. I imagine that this technology can be applied in my home town.

Bureau of Meteorology, 2015,'Monthly rainfall : North Adelaide' viewed 03 June 2015,
Wikipedia, 2015,'Dip irrigation' viewed 03 June 2015,